Human presence sensor

Human presence sensor

Scope of application :

Used in machine tools, metallurgy, chemical industry, textile and printing industries. It can be used as limit, count, position control and automatic protection link in automatic control system.
product details
  Human proximity sensor,also known as contactless proximity sensor,is an ideal electronic switching sensor.When metal detection sensor sensing area,close to switch can not contact,no pressure,no spark,quickly send electrical instruction,accurately reflect the position of the motion mechanism and stroke,even for general schedule control,the positioning accuracy,operating frequency,and the convenience to install and service life of the application of the bad environment ability,is the general mechanical travel switch can not be compared.It is widely used in machine tools,metallurgy,chemical industry,textile and printing industries.It can be used as limit,count,position control and automatic protection link in automatic control system.The proximity sensor is characterized by long service life,reliable operation,high repeated positioning accuracy,no mechanical wear,no spark,no noise and strong vibration resistance.So far,proximity sensors have been widely used,and their own development and innovation speed has been extremely rapid.
  The human body proximity sensor has been gradually recognized and applied as a means of defense.In order to implement GB/t10488-1997 national standard of human proximity sensor smoothly and make more people understand the principle and application of human proximity sensor,this paper introduces the basic knowledge of the principle and application of human proximity sensor developed and produced by nanjing yuantuo technology.
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